Service Times:  Sunday 9am & 11:15am, Wednesday 6pm

Welcome to St. Patrick's!

News & Events

New Sunday School Class Series

We never forget what we sing - perhaps this is part of why God commands His people to do so (Col. 3:16, Eph. 5:18-19). Whether you love to sing or feel self-conscious about your voice, God is glorified and we are built up as a church when everyone  makes a joyful noise together! In this Sunday School series, we will expand our understanding of singing's place in the church - not just on Sundays, but in everyday life - and learn some musical settings of sections from the Daily Office.  My prayer is that we would become a people who "sing unto the Lord" together and that this class would spur us toward ever more joyful worship in song.

Stations of the Cross

Every Friday at 6pm throughout Lent, we invite you to join us in the Memorial Garden to walk through the Stations of the Cross together. In the case of inclement weather, Stations of the Cross will be held in the Sanctuary.

Holy Week

Join us during Holy Week as we journey through Jesus' final days—from His triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the Last Supper, betrayal, and crucifixion. These sacred observances remind us of His sacrifice and prepare us to celebrate His resurrection on Easter. Don't miss this most holy time of the Christian year.


St. Patrick’s Anglican Church is more than a place, it is a family of faith.  Our parish is vibrant and active.  We serve our neighbors, teach our children the basics of the faith,  we uphold Biblical preaching and teaching, all in the context of traditional Anglican worship.  

You are welcome here.

Meaningful fellowship is a priority for us!  We believe one of the greatest needs of modern people is community.  You'll find an hospitable and warm welcome when you come to St. Patrick's! 

Latest Sermon

At St. Patrick's we are students of the Bible.  Our preaching aims to be Biblically-centered and applicable to daily life.   

Worship Times

Sundays at 9am & 11:15am
Wednesdays: Noon and 6pm
Sunday School: 10:15am
SPY (St. Patrick's Youth): Wednesdays at 6pm

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