We're glad that you are here!
“What God and the priests and the congregation of St. Patrick’s have accomplished is amazing. I doubt that there is another church almost anywhere in which I would feel as at home. It feels divinely providential that St. Patrick’s exists and that I found it.”
-John, St. Patrick's Member
-John, St. Patrick's Member
What To Expect
As you enter through Thompson Hall, you'll be welcomed. You'll notice lots of laughter and talking and people making their way to the Nave (what many people call the sanctuary) for worship. You'll be give a booklet containing the liturgy and the readings of the day. Hymnals are in the pew for your convenience.
We gather in silence for prayer. Many people will kneel. Some quietly read passages of Scripture and some pray from the
Book of Common Prayer.
At the ringing of three bells, we stand and the opening hymn begins. A procession will begin, led by the cross to remind us that we all come to God by the cross of Christ. The acolytes and priests will process in to begin the service.
The first half of the service is called the "Liturgy of the Word" and focuses on scripture and prayer. You'll hear 3-4 passages of Scripture read, the sermon (which usually lasts about :15mins) and you'll join in prayer for the Church, the world, the nation, and one another.
At the offertory the service moves to the "Liturgy of the Table" where the focus is on Holy Communion (which we celebrate each week). These ancient prayers remind us of the story of Christ and why we partake of this meal. We invite all Christians who have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (in any Christian denomination) to receive communion.
After everyone has received communion we will say a final prayer and the procession-out will begin. Just as we were led by the cross into worship, the cross leads us out of worship, into the world to be about the work of witness and mission given to us by our Lord.
As you enter through Thompson Hall, you'll be welcomed. You'll notice lots of laughter and talking and people making their way to the Nave (what many people call the sanctuary) for worship. You'll be give a booklet containing the liturgy and the readings of the day. Hymnals are in the pew for your convenience.
We gather in silence for prayer. Many people will kneel. Some quietly read passages of Scripture and some pray from the
Book of Common Prayer.
At the ringing of three bells, we stand and the opening hymn begins. A procession will begin, led by the cross to remind us that we all come to God by the cross of Christ. The acolytes and priests will process in to begin the service.
The first half of the service is called the "Liturgy of the Word" and focuses on scripture and prayer. You'll hear 3-4 passages of Scripture read, the sermon (which usually lasts about :15mins) and you'll join in prayer for the Church, the world, the nation, and one another.
At the offertory the service moves to the "Liturgy of the Table" where the focus is on Holy Communion (which we celebrate each week). These ancient prayers remind us of the story of Christ and why we partake of this meal. We invite all Christians who have been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (in any Christian denomination) to receive communion.
After everyone has received communion we will say a final prayer and the procession-out will begin. Just as we were led by the cross into worship, the cross leads us out of worship, into the world to be about the work of witness and mission given to us by our Lord.
Our Process
Sunday Mornings
The first thing we suggest is that you simply join us for worship! Get to know us! Join us for fellowship following any of our services.
We Are St. Patrick's
(Newcomer's Class)
Once you've worshipped with us and want to learn more, join us for our Newcomer's Orientation class. Learn the history of our parish, get to know our leadership, our core beliefs.
Upon completion you can become an attending member. (3 Weeks)
Upon completion you can become an attending member. (3 Weeks)
Get Involved
Following the "We Are St. Patrick's Class" our goal is to help you find a place where you can thrive! Growing disciples who make disciples is our goal. We hope all our members have a place where they can learn and grow and a place where they can serve.