Dear St. Patrick’s Family,
When St. Paul discusses the work of the Church in chapter 4 of Ephesians, he also describes the various workers in the church. He talks of apostles and prophets, shepherds and teachers who labor together, “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the Body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12). As I prayed and thought about where we are and where we hope to go as a parish, this verse has been at the forefront of my mind. What better goal can we have than to build up the Body of Christ by equipping the saints (all of us!) for the work of ministry?
The Annual Pledge drive is our congregation’s opportunity to express intent to financially invest in the life of St. Patrick’s in the coming year. It is not a contract, but an expression of good-faith intent. We know that life happens and that financial situations can change. (Sometimes they change for the better!) My hope is that every member will, as the Lord leads, financially give to the work of our parish. It may be a small amount. It may be a large amount. Whatever amount it is, it should be done willingly, joyfully, and sacrificially. (2 Corinthians 9:7-8, Luke 21:1-4)
Your pledge is a valuable tool in helping the leadership of the Church plan our budget for 2025. You can imagine how difficult it would be for you to plan your family’s budget if you did not know what income to expect. The same principal applies to our parish family. So please take time to fill out your pledge card and bring it with you to our in-gathering which will take place on Epiphany weekend. The Epiphany celebrates the arrival of the wise men at the home of Jesus (Matthew 2:10-12) where they presented to Him their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. On Sunday, January 5th (The Eve of the Epiphany) and on Monday, January 6th (The Epiphany) we will present our pledge cards to the Lord just as the Wise Men presented their gifts to the Christ child.
If you would prefer to fill out your pledge card electronically, you can do so by filling out the form to the right. Our parish has always been a remarkably generous church, giving to the basic needs of the Church as well as to special funds and projects throughout the year. I cannot thank you enough for your incredible witness in giving not only of your time and talents, but also by your treasure (finances). May we continue this trend in 2025 as we seek to make disciples who make disciples in the Anglican tradition. In Christ’s Service and for His Glory,

The Very Rev. Chris Findley
Rector, St. Patrick’s Anglican Church
Dean, Nashville Deanery (ADOTS)
When St. Paul discusses the work of the Church in chapter 4 of Ephesians, he also describes the various workers in the church. He talks of apostles and prophets, shepherds and teachers who labor together, “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the Body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12). As I prayed and thought about where we are and where we hope to go as a parish, this verse has been at the forefront of my mind. What better goal can we have than to build up the Body of Christ by equipping the saints (all of us!) for the work of ministry?
The Annual Pledge drive is our congregation’s opportunity to express intent to financially invest in the life of St. Patrick’s in the coming year. It is not a contract, but an expression of good-faith intent. We know that life happens and that financial situations can change. (Sometimes they change for the better!) My hope is that every member will, as the Lord leads, financially give to the work of our parish. It may be a small amount. It may be a large amount. Whatever amount it is, it should be done willingly, joyfully, and sacrificially. (2 Corinthians 9:7-8, Luke 21:1-4)
Your pledge is a valuable tool in helping the leadership of the Church plan our budget for 2025. You can imagine how difficult it would be for you to plan your family’s budget if you did not know what income to expect. The same principal applies to our parish family. So please take time to fill out your pledge card and bring it with you to our in-gathering which will take place on Epiphany weekend. The Epiphany celebrates the arrival of the wise men at the home of Jesus (Matthew 2:10-12) where they presented to Him their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. On Sunday, January 5th (The Eve of the Epiphany) and on Monday, January 6th (The Epiphany) we will present our pledge cards to the Lord just as the Wise Men presented their gifts to the Christ child.
If you would prefer to fill out your pledge card electronically, you can do so by filling out the form to the right. Our parish has always been a remarkably generous church, giving to the basic needs of the Church as well as to special funds and projects throughout the year. I cannot thank you enough for your incredible witness in giving not only of your time and talents, but also by your treasure (finances). May we continue this trend in 2025 as we seek to make disciples who make disciples in the Anglican tradition. In Christ’s Service and for His Glory,

The Very Rev. Chris Findley
Rector, St. Patrick’s Anglican Church
Dean, Nashville Deanery (ADOTS)