Core Beliefs
Our beliefs are rooted in the classic expression of the Christian faith within the historic Anglican Church. You will find St. Patrick's approach to Christianity, to the Scriptures, and to the Sacraments to be traditional and historic. We believe our modern world is in desperate need for the unchanging Good News of Jesus Christ.
While there is great richness in Anglican theology and practice, our basic beliefs are as follows:
While there is great richness in Anglican theology and practice, our basic beliefs are as follows:

We believe
- In the primacy of the Holy Scripture as our rule of faith and life
- In salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone
- In the ancient creeds (Apostle's, Nicene, Athanasian) as expressions of the essential beliefs of Christianity
- The centrality of the sacraments of Baptism & Holy Communion
- The historic Episcopate (governance by Bishops)